Beetroot Gummy

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With Magnesium & Vitamin C Complex

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About Our Beetroot Gummies

Beetroot is an amazing natural substance that promotes health and fitness in countless ways. We have formulated this gummy with organically grown beetroot combined with magnesium and a vitamin C complex. This creates a synergism that elevates beetroot’s wellness functions.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect:

  • Elevated Exercise Performance: In that beetroot nitrates that convert to nitric oxide, it dilates blood vessels which in turn improve and increase the flow of oxygenated blood to muscle groups without additional stress or strain to heart functions.
  • Cardiovascular Benefits: Beetroot, being so rich in nitrates, has been shown to naturally lower blood pressure. The process of “vasodilation” or the relaxing of the blood vessels improve circulation.
  • Endurance and Stamina: Studies show that nitrate-rich beetroot extends time to muscular exhaustion during exercise or demanding sports.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Beetroot is rich in antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • Brain Health: Nitric Oxide is associated with cognitive functions. Beetroot’s ability to elevate nitric oxide production may have potential benefits for brain health and improved cognitive performance.
  • So Many Great Nutrients: Beetroot is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Vitamin C, Folate, and potassium are just a few. Note: We supplement our Beetroot gummy with a robust Vitamin C complex and magnesium!
  • Detoxification And Liver Health: Beetroot contains betalains which support a natural detoxification process and eliminates toxins. This results in improved liver health.
  • Anti-Aging: The antioxidants in beetroot (Vitamin C and Betalains) combat oxidative stress and may contribute to anti-aging processes.