TB-500 Skin Patch

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The time-release transdermal patch is likely our most convenient way to dose your body with the healing benefits of TB-500. The small 2 inch square is placed on your stomach (just to the left or right of your navel), the inside of your elbow, or the inside of your wrist.    Click to Learn More about TB-500

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TB-500 Skin Patch

Directions For Patch Use: Apply One Skin Patch  For 8 Hours Daily: (30-Skin Patches – 30-Day Supply)

A scientist in 1965 made a startling discovery: A chain of 43 amino acids, secreted by your thymus gland, is activated during injury and works to increase bloodflow and promote healing to damaged tissue. They named this compound TB-500, also known as Thymosin Beta 4. 

The very first application of this peptide was with injured horses, to prevent abdominal adhesions from forming that would greatly impact their quality of life. But soon, scientists began to explore the potential benefits in humans, and the results were astonishing. 

TB-500 travels long distances through your body and seeks out areas of injury, or places where your body is actively trying to heal itself. Once there, it supercharges the healing and regenerative process.

TB-500 is also thought to have many other health benefits, including:

  • Regrow Lost Hair
  • Heal Damaged Heart Tissue
  • Improvements to Endurance
  • Increased Muscle Growth
  • Reduced Inflammation
  • Improved Joint Flexibility
  • Aids Recovery of Ligaments and Tendons
  • Heals Injured Muscles
  • Repairs Damaged Skin
  • Darken Greying Hair

The time release transdermal patch infuses your skin with TB-500 for 8 hours in a carefully timed release, so you can experience relief all day long. It can even be applied at night, so that treatment is delivered while you sleep. One patch a day is all it takes.