Do You Have Low Testosterone? The Top 3 Signs of Low Testosterone in Aging Men and How to Address Them

Do You Have Low Testosterone? The Top 3 Signs of Low Testosterone in Aging Men and How to Address Them

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for male health because it promotes and helps to maintain development in bone density, muscle mass, and body hair growth. Men with full beards that grow in a matter of days, for instance, have high testosterone levels, and the release of this hormone typically begins at the onset of puberty.

Testosterone also influences cognitive function, mood stabilization, and energy levels, as well as metabolic processes that naturally convert fat to muscle. This is the hormone responsible for sexual desire, a healthy libido, sperm production, and erectile function. Adequate testosterone levels are a vital component of overall health for men of all ages, but levels can sometimes drop with age.

Comparable to menopause in women, men recognizing low testosterone will experience a drop in sexual function, as well as muscle loss, extreme fatigue and lack of productivity, and mood swings. It can have a significant impact on men’s mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being.

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Testosterone Levels


Testosterone levels vary from one man to another, but there’s a range that healthcare professionals use to gauge healthy levels. Important to a man’s mental and physical well-being, testosterone helps to ward off weaker bones and diseases like osteoporosis. The hormone is also crucial to red blood cell production, essential for transporting oxygen through the body.

Healthy levels of testosterone can help to stabilize a man’s mood. It can encourage feelings of adequacy, contentment, and satisfaction. Whereas low testosterone is associated with depression, high levels of anxiety, and irritability.

Maintaining testosterone levels is important for three major areas of your mind and body.

  • Physical performance—you’ll experience a stronger, more muscular physique with a boost in stamina and endurance.
  • Cognitive function—you’ll have improved memory, focus, concentration, and better overall brain power.
  • Metabolic health—you’ll experience a faster metabolism, better distribution of body fat, and an easier time with fat loss when you exercise and eat nutritiously.

For pubescent males, healthy testosterone levels are essential to the onset of puberty. It helps prepare their bodies and minds for adulthood, and low testosterone levels can delay puberty, stunting growth.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

There are three major signs of low testosterone:

low libido

The first sign is reduced libido and lack of sexual desire. Aging men may experience erectile dysfunction and a lack of interest in sexual activities.

The second sign is a feeling of extreme fatigue. Decreased energy levels are normal as you age, but if you feel sluggish to the point of not being able to do everyday activities, then there’s a problem. Testosterone helps maintain energy, so chronic tiredness and lack of vitality are symptoms of low levels.

The third sign is muscle loss and increased fat on your body, especially around your midsection. Aging men sometimes gain weight because their metabolism slows naturally. However, when paired with loss of strength and obvious muscle atrophy, it becomes an issue of low testosterone levels.

Other symptoms of testosterone decline include hot flashes, hair loss, and testicular atrophy. Many healthcare professionals refer to low testosterone in aging men as a man’s menopause because the symptoms are similar to an aging woman’s signs of menopause.

How to Address and Boost Testosterone Levels

Proper diagnosis and addressing low testosterone requires a blood test, usually tested in the mornings when testosterone levels are highest. The normal range is between 300 to 1,000 ng/dL—anything lower than 300 is considered a drop. Even a lower number, like 300 to 400, may be cause for concern if a man has been tested before and has maintained higher testosterone levels up to that point.

Healthcare professionals address low testosterone levels with advice on lifestyle modifications, continuous monitoring of testosterone levels, regular testing, and sometimes testosterone supplements (also known as T). However, there are methods to boost your testosterone at home, which include:

Testosterone Gummy
  • Eating a balanced, nutritious diet to support health and hormone production. Processed foods and excessive sugar can bring down testosterone levels.
  • Avoid sitting for too long. Periods of inactivity lower testosterone levels, so engage in high-intensity interval training and strength training at least 3 times per week. Intense workouts do wonders for testosterone levels.
  • Stress less. Stress is detrimental to healthy testosterone levels, so find something to bring down your blood pressure and experience less anxiety. Practice mindfulness through meditation and deep breathing exercises.
  • Herbal supplements like Vitamin D and Ashwagandha have been shown to have positive effects on testosterone levels. Also add our GummyHQ Testosterone Booster Gummies or our Maximize Testosterone Booster Patches. Consult your doctor to make sure you can supplement your diet with these herbal remedies to naturally boost testosterone.

Low testosterone levels aren’t the end of the world, and early detection and intervention can reverse the effects. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and understanding the role of testosterone could also go a long way toward healthy levels.

How to Take Charge of Your Health

Be proactive when it comes to your health and well-being. Low testosterone makes itself known with a barrage of clear signs, so take charge at the first notice. Stay updated with routine health screenings and testosterone tests, monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels, and make informed decisions about your diet, exercise, and sleep.

There is a small percentage of men with naturally low testosterone, causing feelings of shame and inadequacy. However, engaging with communities and support groups can help men of all ages focus on their health by sharing experiences and knowledge. Awareness, lifestyle modifications, and proactive management are surefire ways to take charge of your testosterone levels.

When coping with low testosterone, the earlier the detection, the easier it is to diagnose and treat. Be attentive to your mind and body. Feeling sluggish? Experiencing a significant drop in your libido? Losing muscle mass despite going to the gym? These are all signs of low testosterone, and you can profoundly impact your quality of life and overall well-being by taking measures to recognize symptoms and getting treatment for low levels.


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