Are There Weight Loss Pills that Actually Work?

Are There Weight Loss Pills that Actually Work?

Are you an adult trying to lose weight but having trouble doing so? If so, you’ve likely begun looking into options like weight loss pills and other weight loss medications. Through research, you’ll come across mixed reviews on whether these weight loss drugs work or if they’re just a waste of money. Before you purchase any weight loss medication, read this guide on what’s best for weight loss.

How Do Weight Loss Drugs Work?

Weight loss drugs work differently, depending on the pharmacological treatments you opt for. Some medications make you feel full quickly and keep you full longer—other drugs work by reducing the person’s appetite and reducing cravings.

While the exact mechanism isn’t known for some prescriptions, others work through peptides. GLP-1 agonists are known to treat diabetes, but they can also help you lose weight. These medications trigger one or two peptides, increasing insulin production and helping you feel full.

Prescription Weight Loss Pills

Are prescription weight loss medications worth the hassle? If you’re drawn to a weight loss pill that your doctor can prescribe you, you’ll want to know if it’s going to be helpful in your journey to lose weight. Currently, four prescription weight loss pills on the market have been FDA-approved and are available through health providers:

  • Contrave
  • Qsymia (phentermine topiramate ER)
  • Phentermine
  • Orlistat (Xenical)

Those who use prescription medications to lose weight typically report more weight loss than those who use a placebo medication. On average, prescription drugs for losing weight can cause people to lose between three and 12 percent more weight than lifestyle changes alone will allow. While they aren’t the first line of attack for obesity treatment, they can help you shed excess weight when combined with lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and exercise.

Who Can Benefit from Weight Loss Medications?


It’s important to note that weight loss medications aren’t the right option for everyone, but they can be beneficial if your healthcare professional believes you need help losing weight. If you haven’t been able to properly lose weight through diet and exercise and you meet the below requirements, weight loss medications may be what you need:

  • A body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above, which indicates obesity.
  • A BMI over 27 and other health conditions linked to obesity, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive and kidney diseases, or heart disease.

Health Benefits of Using a Weight Loss Drug

There are many benefits to your overall health when using prescription weight management medication, as long as your healthcare professional suggests it. Of course, these medications affect appetite and lower body weight. However, there are other health benefits you may notice, including the following:

  • Regulated blood sugar
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduction in chronic pain

Common Side Effects of Weight Loss Pills

intestinal problems

If you’re taking your weight loss drugs in tablet form, you have an increased risk of certain side effects. The effects can vary based on which medication you take and may lessen over time. Here are the most common side effects of weight loss drugs:

  • Digestive system symptoms, including abdominal pain, loose bowel movements (diarrhea), nausea, vomiting, heartburn, gas, constipation, or fecal incontinence.
  • Insomnia
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Fast heart rate
  • Restlessness
  • Oily discharge
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Drug dependence or abuse

You may also experience adverse effects when you quit taking the drug, especially if you haven’t focused on lifestyle changes. You could be susceptible to adverse events related to withdrawal symptoms. Other possibilities include weight gain once you stop taking the medication.

Non-Prescription Alternative: Weight Management Skin Patch

MaximizeHQ Weight Management Patch

Are you having issues with insurance coverage for a weight loss drug? Or maybe you don’t want to go through the hassle of getting a prescription for a weight loss pill. If so, you may want to look into other options like skin patches. These over-the-counter solutions can help with weight reduction through a decreased appetite and specific peptides that allow for healthy fat burning. The weight management patches absorb directly into your bloodstream, avoiding your digestive tract altogether.

If you don’t like taking shots or swallowing diet pills, a weight loss skin patch can help you reach your ideal body weight. The Maximize HQ Skin Patch is great for slowing fat absorption, maintaining weight loss, and controlling your results quickly and painlessly. While results may vary, many people notice fewer side effects and an easier process than prescription options.

Final Thoughts

Many weight loss treatments are on the market, so it’s essential to do your research before starting one. If you have a family history of weight-related health concerns and you’re not able to lose weight with diet and exercise changes, it’s time to consider weight loss medication. You can choose a prescription option if you’d like, as they are effective, but if you’re looking for an easy over-the-counter option, consider a skin patch like MaximizeHQ’s Weight Management to get the desired results.


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