Are Peptides the Solution?

People have been using foods, nutrients, and other natural beneficial substances to support and enhance health and fitness for thousands of years by ingesting, placing on the skin, inhaling the aroma of, or otherwise applying to the body. Our Skin Patch Products come from that tradition.

There are quite a few different peptides. There is still much research to be done before the benefits of peptides can be stated with any certainty. That being said some of the benefits are thought to be: 

  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Promote Wound Healing
  • Muscle Growth
  • Weight Loss 
  • Tendon and Cartilage repair
  • Intestinal Issues

BPC 157 | Peptides

BPC 157 is simply a chain of peptides composed of molecules of amino acids. Amino acids are so essential to health and fitness, but when they are linked together in a chain-like sequence to form peptide-like BPC-157, they become more powerful and essential. BPC stands for “Body Protective Compound, and that is a perfect name to describe the health and fitness benefits that BPC 157 is reported to deliver.

TB-500 | Peptides

TB-500 is also known as Thymosin Beta 4, is a peptide that is produced naturally in our bodies. It has a low molecular structure that facilitates its ability to move within the body to areas of injury.

Benefits:  Promotes cellular healing, anti-inflammatory targets injuries and speeds healing in tendons, ligaments, muscle groups, creates new blood vessel pathways, may help to heal damaged heart tissue, may help hair growth, increase endurance, reduce pain caused by inflammation, antioxidant, collagen production.

BPC & TB STACK | Peptides

Combined Stack BPC 157 & TB 500 Benefits: 

Promotes healing and moderates conditions and symptoms within the digestive tract – Accelerated healing of bones, tendons, and ligaments and muscle groups – Reduces inflammation – improves brain cognitive functions and mood elevation – Promotes healing of shoulder, lower back, elbow, and other joint-related conditions – May help to heal damaged heart tissue

CJC 1295 | Peptides


  • CJC-1295 w/DAC can increase serum growth hormone levels by 200-1000%.
  • Increased Bone Density
  • Increase Muscle Mass
  • Strengthens Cardiovascular System
  • Burns Body Fat (Including deep abdominal fat)
  • Elevates libido/sex drive
  • Faster recovery and repair from Joint, Muscle, Tendon, Ligament injuries
  • Strengthens Immune System
  • Improved Long and Short-Term Memory And Other Cognitive functions

Why We Formulate CJC-1295 With DAC ( Drug Affinity Complex) – Most pharmaceutical companies offer CJC-1295 without DAC because DAC is very expensive! With DAC, CJC-1295 is much more effective, and here’s why: Without DAC, CJC-1295 has an active half-life of about one hour. With DAC the active half-life is extended to about 96-hours!

MK-677 | Peptides

MK-677 + (Ibutamoren) Is a stimulant that elevates Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels, improves muscle tissue repair, and stimulates fat loss. MK-677 is not an anabolic steroid and it is not a SARM. It is a compound, a non-peptide growth hormone secretagogue (Booster) Research shows that MK-677 may have important benefits for appetite, body composition, muscle strength, cardiac health, neurologic function, vascular health, and may help prevent atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease, and other devastating diseases associated with age. MK-677 also promotes quality sleep.

AOD-9604 | Peptides

Peptide AOD-9604 is a modified form of amino acids 176-191.

Weight Management: Peptide AOD-9604 has the unique ability to target areas of the body where there are abnormally high levels of fat. It works in two ways by stimulating lipolysis to breakdown fats and lipids and by inhibiting lipogenesis, the metabolic process that forms fat.

Building Muscle: One of the most notable benefits that AOD-9604 brings is the ability to help regulate blood sugar and manage insulin levels. This, in turn, will aid inflammation and weight loss. Just like growth hormone, AOD-9604 also enhances muscle-building.


New Lease on Life – My wife and I are concentrating our funds on the IGF-1/MGF Patches, the HGH Power Patches, and the Fat Burning Patches, because we continue to have fantastic results from these three patches. I’ve lost 15 lbs in 60-days. We just took a 5 mile hike on mountain trails yesterday, something that would have been impossible just weeks ago without the body building help these patches are giving us. They’ve given us a new lease on life in our late 50’s early 60’s. – GSG

I have been in the health and fitness industry for 20 years and I’ve done testimonials for most major companies, but AgeForce is by and far the most potent, reliable, and scientifically sound product line that I’ve come across. Their Testo, IGF-1/MGF, Weight loss and Maximize patches are incredible. I’m looking forward greatly to trying out the Powerpatch soon. Again, I cannot say enough how prompt the deliveries are, and how courteous the staff are at AgeForce. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep recommending your products to others! – Nick

Great Patch – I used the AgeForce Fat Burner Weight Loss patch since about August. I have lost about 25 lbs. I have ate Clean and increase exercising. – Bill

Been Using The Testosterone Patch for over 3 years with great results!! I am a personal trainer and they have kept my strength and fitness Levels up so I am an example to my clients! – Vince

Nootropic Memory Enhancer patch- I began using this product this year and have seen sufficient improvement especially in my short term memory. I am 60 years old and was experiencing short-term memory loss until using this patch. I highly recommend this product. – Sallie


For the healthier you