BPC-157 Skin Patch


The time release transdermal patch is applied once a day, and works for 8 hours to distribute the amazing benefits of BPC-157 through your skin and into your bloodstream. The patch may be applied on your stomach (an inch to the left or right of your navel), on the inside of your wrist, or on the inside of your upper forearm/elbow area.  Click to Learn More about BPC-157


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BPC-157 Skin Patch

Directions For Patch Use: Apply One Skin Patch for 8 Hours Daily: (30-Skin Patches – 30-Day Supply)

For over three decades, scientists have been diligently exploring the potential applications and benefits of a remarkable peptide known as BPC 157. Despite the substantial period of experimentation, there have been no reported side effects, a testament to its safety. Year by year, additional benefits of BPC 157 are being unveiled as research in this fascinating area persists. BPC 157, an acronym for “Body Protective Compound,” offers a wide range of key benefits that have earned it its evocative name.

Gastrointestinal Protection from BPC-157

BPC-157 shields the digestive tract from inflammatory foods, and may improve gastrointestinal disorders.

Some of the most significant benefits observed so far are its protective effects on the digestive system. It has been found to aid in the shielding of the digestive tract and reducing inflammation, which is a common symptom of many gastrointestinal disorders.

This naturally occurring peptide has also shown a capacity to treat stomach issues and heal gastric wounds such as stomach ulcers, which are notoriously challenging to treat. BPC 157 has also been shown to repair damage to intestinal walls and promote soft tissue healing.

BPC 157 has been identified as effective in lessening the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn’s disease, both conditions that cause severe discomfort and can be debilitating to those who suffer from them.

These attributes present a compelling argument for further research into the use of the BPC 157 peptide as a therapeutic treatment for digestive health problems.

BPC 157 Peptide is Anti-Inflammatory

Beyond its gastrointestinal applications, BPC 157 also exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It has the ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body, not only within the digestive tract.

Moreover, this miracle peptide has shown potential in reducing inflammation of the joints and lower back, common areas of complaint and joint pain for many people, particularly as they age.

This could provide a beneficial effect on a host of inflammatory conditions, from arthritis to autoimmune diseases. Inflammation, after all, is at the root of numerous health issues. By combatting it, BPC 157 may offer a valuable contribution to overall wellness and joint health.

BPC 157 Boosts the Healing Process for Injuries

The BPC-157 "Body Protective Compound" Peptide boasts a wide range of benefits.

In the realm of physical injuries, BPC 157 accelerates the healing process for damage to tendons, ligaments, and muscles. This property could be of considerable interest to athletes, who often face injuries in these areas and seek safe, effective treatments that can help them get back into action as quickly as possible.

BPC 157 is not limited to tendon healing, surface injuries and reducing inflammation. Remarkably, it also stimulates healing in damaged organs, hinting at potential applications in the treatment of organ diseases or in recovery from surgeries or injuries affecting these crucial body systems.

A Healthier Brain with an assist from BPC 157

Last but not least, this peptide is also being investigated for its contributions to brain health. It’s becoming increasingly recognized that maintaining brain health is integral for overall well-being and longevity. The effects of BPC 157 in this area could be groundbreaking, potentially providing new treatment avenues for cognitive disorders or brain injuries.

BPC 157 modulates the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems of the brain, and effectively reduces various behavioral disturbances arising from abnormally stimulated/damaged neurotransmitter systems.

How does BPC 157 Work?

BPC 157 amplifies the body's existing natural processes for tissue regeneration.

The mechanism through which BPC 157 imparts its benefits is complex and multi-faceted, but the crux of it lies in its ability to amplify the body’s natural processes for tissue regeneration and wound healing. This occurs both inside and outside the blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract, presenting a wide range of potential uses.

Moreover, the BPC-157 peptide has shown promise in facilitating joint healing and the rapid healing of bones, tendon healing, and ligament strengthening. For individuals with related injuries or those seeking to enhance their recovery from strenuous physical activities, this peptide offers an exciting solution. The peptide’s anti-inflammatory properties are another crucial advantage, helping to alleviate discomfort and promote healing in various inflammatory conditions.

Additionally, BPC-157 has been observed to enhance brain cognitive functions and mood elevation, underlining its potential role in supporting mental health. This is a particularly compelling benefit in an age where mental health issues are on the rise.

Lastly, BPC-157 promotes healing of joint health-related conditions, such as those affecting the shoulder, lower back, and elbow. Given how prevalent these joint pain issues are, particularly with advancing age and certain athletic activities, this property of BPC-157 provides a valuable solution.

Generally, results from BPC-157 will be visible as soon as 24-48 hours. If your results don’t appear instantly, we’d suggest waiting a few weeks for a dose adjustment.

In an age where medical treatments often come with a long list of side effects, BPC 157 stands out. Its wide range of benefits, coupled with a lack of reported side effects, make it a promising frontier in peptide-based therapy.