Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Gummy


Our Research & Development Laboratory has formulated the most advanced and effective Multi-Vitamin & Mineral gummy on available! We have not tried to cram every vitamin and mineral into one supplement. Instead, we have carefully selected the most important vitamins and minerals needed for health, fitness, and lots of energy! Click to Learn about our awesome Vitamin & Mineral gummies 

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About Our Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Gummy

Q There are thousands of perfectly good multivitamins to choose from, so why should you consider our Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Gummies?

We have developed a proprietary 2-step delivery function in our Multi-Vitamin & Mineral gummy. When you swallow any oral multivitamin a very small percentage of the vitamin nutrients survive the powerful digestive acid bath in your stomach!

Here is how our 2-step delivery function avoids the digestive acid degradation:Our 2-step delivery function is designed to prevent degradation by digestive acids. Here’s how it works:

Step 1 happens when the gummy is chewed in your mouth. Our controlled time-release allows some (not all) of the formula nutrient dosage to be absorbed through the thin oral mucous membranes under the tongue, thus bypassing the liver’s first-pass metabolism, for rapid delivery directly to the bloodstream.

Step 2 happens as the controlled time-release function moves the balance of the formula nutrient dosage through the digestive tract, first-pass liver metabolism, and on into the bloodstream.

The Formula: We have created an awesome formula!Use this link to check it out: